NAB Show 2025

6th-9th April 2025
Visit us at Booth W-1248 Las Vegas, NV

Venera Technologies: Unveiling Cutting-Edge Innovations in Audio/Video QC and Caption QC/Correction at NAB 2025

Pulsar & Quasar®

Burnt-in Captions: Detection & reporting of burnt-in Captions/Subtitles.

Logo overlapping: Validate the presence of text in logo area .

Title Safe area validation: Title Safe area validation Validate that the text is within title safe area.

Dolby Atmos metadata: Dolby Atmos metadata validation.

ARIB Captions: Validate the presence of ARIB captions.

EBU QC support: EBU compliant QC reports.

Primary/Dub Audio sync: Validation of alignment between dub and primary audio.

Black & White frames: Detect black & white frames.

White noise detection: Detect audio white noise.

Loudness correction: Auto-correction of audio loudness.

Cautions & Extended Aspect ratio (Harding PSE): Reporting of cautions Support for Extended Aspect ratios.

Usage analytics dashboard: Detailed usage dashboard with graphs.


Keyboard navigation: Keyboard based navigation & control.

Safe areas overlay: Safe areas overlay for TV & social media.

Project Sharing: Project sharing for collaboration.

Timeline export: Timeline export for Adobe Premiere & Davinci Resolve, for Editing.

Multilingual UI: Multi-lingual User Interface.

Mark-up overlay: System & user-generated mark-ups to display the location of an issue.

Add/Delete alerts: Delete false positive alerts.

QCtudio integration: Project sign-off with API callback and email notifications.


Heterogeneous Sync Support: CapMate can now detect and correct sync offsets when the caption language differs from the media language.

Enhanced Language Support: Support for new languages has been added for:   Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, and Punjabi.

Massive Scalability: CapMate's scalability has been enhanced to process up to 1000 concurrent Jobs.

Missing Caption Correction: Missing Captions feature has been enhanced, allowing users to add captions based on the generated transcription using the Viewer tool.

MP3 & MOV Format Support: Support for MP3 and MOV formats as media input has been added for Management UI job posting.

Enhanced Burnt-in Detection: Accuracy improved significantly to report every overlap with minimum or no false positives.

Enhanced Cross-format Export: ◉ All supported formats to ITT◉ WebVTT to SRT◉ STL to SRT

Our Products and Solutions

Quasar® – Native Cloud File A/V QC

Quasar, our Cloud Native file QC service, offers automated QC of media content with advanced features:

Dynamic Scaling: Scale your QC operations dynamically to meet varying workloads.

Advanced Security Measures: Robust content security measures for protection against vulnerabilities.

Auto Regional Resourcing: Optimize resources based on regional demand automatically.

Usage-Based Pricing: Pay only for what you use, ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Managed SaaS Edition: Venera manage the service so that you don’t spend your resources in managing Quasar.

Private Edition in User's VPC: Choose a private edition within your Virtual Private Cloud for enhanced control.

Pulsar – Automated File-Based A/V QC

Pulsar, our on-prem automated file-based QC system, delivers fast and comprehensive quality checks at every stage of the content life-cycle:

High-Speed QC Experience the fastest QC processing speed.

Pay-Per-Use Option Flexible pay-per-use model for on-premise usage.

Wide Range of Checks Covering HDR, 4K, IMF/DCP, Adaptive bitrate analysis, and Harding PSE analysis.

User-Friendly Integration Easy to use and seamlessly integrates into your workflow.

Pulsar – Automated File-Based A/V QC

Pulsar, our on-prem automated file-based QC system, delivers fast and comprehensive quality checks at every stage of the content life-cycle:

High-Speed QC: Experience the fastest QC processing speed.

Pay-Per-Use Option: Flexible pay-per-use model for on-premise usage.

Wide Range of Checks: Covering HDR, 4K, IMF/DCP, Adaptive bitrate analysis, and Harding PSE analysis.

User-Friendly Integration: Easy to use and seamlessly integrates into your workflow.

CapMate® – Cloud Native Caption/Subtitle QC

CapMate ensures flawless captions and subtitles with its Cloud Native capabilities:

Timing Issues Correction: Efficiently identify and correct timing issues

Burnt-in-Text Correction: Identify and correct burn-in-text overlaps.

Caption-Audio Syncing: Achieve perfect synchronization between captions and audio.

Compliance: Conformance check support for formats like SCC, SRT, EBU-STL , WebVTT, etc

Missing Captions

Project Sharing & Collaboration

Auto Correction

Language translation

Schedule a Meeting

Ready to explore these groundbreaking features? Schedule a meeting with us to delve deeper into how Venera Technologies can elevate your media quality control.